Photo Magician adalah sebuah tool converter untuk merubah format dan ukuran photo, program ini cukup sederhana namun memiliki fitur yang powerfull, sehingga photo yang sebelumnya berukuran besar dapat dirubah menjadi lebih kecil dengan kualitas yang tetap bagus.
Photo Magician is an excellent option. It weighs in at under 1MB, and it comes with a laundry list of presets for various devices (iPhone, Nintendo DS, PSP, Zune) and common pixel dimensions (640×480, etc.). You can also scale to a custom size or percentage, exclude images under a certain size, swap formats, and even process the sub-folders inside your input folder. Conversions are fast, and the quality of converted images is very good.
Photo Magician 2 Photo Magician Batch Image Converter
What’s new in Photo Magician ? :
* ADDED: Two new profile options. Width Only (Maintain Aspect Ratio) and Height Only (Maintain Aspect Ratio) as requested by Geert.
* FIX: Importing WMFs would by DotNet Framework default, set any background layer to black, now have changed to white
* FIX: Skipped files counter not reporting correct number of skipped files on the converting dialog window
* FIX: Exporting to WMF is not supported so all images that are told to overwrite themselves will convert to PNG, will try and source a new library for this in future
* FIX: Importing of WMF files was not working
* ADDED: Error logging and error log viewer now implemented, available only when an error occurs, accessed via the menu bar at the top of the main application.
* FIX: Scale factor % profile on quick convert on subsequent runs after the first would not change from previous one.
* FIX: Custom profile not accepting values typed into to width and height box
* FIX: (New to Not accepting value in profile % box when clicking on Convert images
* FIX: Images in quick convert all converted to JPEG but now convert to original format
* ADDED: Web address now on about page and new email address
* ADDED: W and H on profile text boxes to make clear which one is which
* FIX: Quick convert subsequent runs not working as progress bar never gets reset
* FIX: Quick Format no longer asks on every drop to select an output folder. On first drop it will ask but on subsequent runs, a new button has been added to change the output folder.
* FIX: Quick Convert now allows you to drag drop multiple items on the hat, files and folders, ignoring anything else inside like other file types e.g. txt files, pdf files etc.
* ADDED: Reading of TGA (Targa Image) is now supported but saving automatically defaults to PNG
* ADDED: Auto Update feature, can be turned off
* FIX: Check for new version wasnt picking up major/minor build differences correctly
* FIX: Convert file to one format (BMP) wasnt working correctly.
* ADDED: Ability to use a pervious directory from a successful conversion. Input and Output by right click on textbox and select path.
Download (516kb) Photo Magician pada link dibawah ini:
DOWNLOAD Photo Magician Batch Image Converter
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