Madesu Messenger
Applikasi Messenger bagi user mig33 yg terbiasa menggunakan pc / laptop.
keunggulan-nya jauh lebih ringan dari web mig33. serta bisa browsing menggunakan applikasi ini. jadi kita gak perlu buka applikasi lain kalo cuma mau sekedar browsing. di versi tertentu di lengkapi juga oleh Admin / Moderator Tools
Download mig33 Madesu Mesengger V.1.0.0
Download ocx
Applikasi Messenger bagi user mig33 yg terbiasa menggunakan pc / laptop.
keunggulan-nya jauh lebih ringan dari web mig33. serta bisa browsing menggunakan applikasi ini. jadi kita gak perlu buka applikasi lain kalo cuma mau sekedar browsing. di versi tertentu di lengkapi juga oleh Admin / Moderator Tools
- Messenger Mig33
- Web Browser
- Auto Leave (kalau terkena kick/ If you got kick)
- Auto Leave Group Chat (menghindari jebakan bom GC/ Avoid Bomb GC Trap)
- Syncron with Winamp.. you can change word on first title so you can make variation for your status
- ( example : *Now Spinning : satanicore - kehancuran jiwa (07:26) )
- Auto Answer (online , away , busy and appear offline) make your own word if you're not available or even you're available but want to ads sumthin
- ( example : **Madesu Messenger Auto Answer** - I`m Away eating some food leave message and dont forget to visit ) haha..
- Skin (black, red, green, blue , Flames dan None)
- Send Photo just drag it from your desktop or folder.. easy.. like ym..
- what's new on our latest version?
- admin / moderator tools
- auto kick / auto banned (just type a part of multy name. when they enter will be kicked automaticly)
- font style and size on chat box. arial and times new roman.
- Auto answer on online presence. you can turn it off and turn it on when you set online presence.
NB: app ini kalau sama yg buat harus bayar (dies) tapi khusus member remoxpforum gw kasih free
Password : www.geminations.comDownload mig33 Madesu Mesengger V.1.0.0
Download ocx
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